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Messages - mm9m9m9m9m9
The Noble Talk / Re: down again
« on September 4th, 2017, 03:16 AM »
Quote from Lestrade 尚 on September 3rd, 2017, 08:46 PM
But my evil side is also tempted to close the site temporarily until barter comes back, with a message saying 'you were fine with barter because it had more active users, so how about now?'
It would have been painfully amusing if you had left a message like it. There's something about the bare barter matching results screen that makes it easier on the eyes for me.

Is the middle mouse click an intentional feature on the site? It shows some quick access info. I was in the habit of middle clicking to open the scroll function to slowly check out trades as it trailed down the screen but is there a way to disable in the options?

The Night and Day theme started to stay working at some point for me, but I don't recall when it did. Did you change anything or was it always an error on my side?